A must-have card to carry around with you everywhere you go. Write down the insulin brands you use and whether you have type one diabetes, type two diabetes, or a form of type 3 diabetes, and more.
And you're right; it's free. Like the seatbelt, everyone should have this card & it will one day save a life. Well, it's not free for our little business, so there is a limit of 3 per person; if you order more than 3, you'll only receive 3 in your order.
Purchases with this product will generate reward points for you. We'll credit your account with them automatically.
If it's your first order, your rewards account will be created automatically, with the points included.
Free worldwide shipping on all orders over £30, with next-day dispatch as standard.
We offer 30-day returns and exchanges, with unmatched and widely celebrated levels of customer support.
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